COVID-19 and MAC


The Museum, Arts and Culture Access Consortium recognizes that the pandemic COVID-19 is affecting New York City, the surrounding areas, and the country and has caused a massive need for change for cultural institutions everywhere. Social distancing and other precautions have upended the way we connect through culture. MAC understands that cultural organizations and the disability community are going through challenging times and we stand with them. We believe that through close connection and mutual support, our organizations and we as individuals can emerge stronger and more flexible than ever before. 

We also recognize that many of the new ways cultural institutions and others are connecting through digital technology are accommodations that the disability community have been advocating for well before this crisis (read more about this in Disabled People React To Coronavirus Work From Home Accommodations from Teen Vogue) and that there is work to be done to make digital platforms accessible to all. MAC hopes that what is learned from these particular circumstances will continue when the need for social distancing is over. 

MAC is working on digital professional development opportunities, community building efforts, and other tools to continue  increasing cultural accessibility for and with the disability community both now and in the future. More great things are coming!





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